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Ngā kanohi kitea: Our Team

Aroha · Manākitanga · Kotahitanga

nga pou o te poari

Our Board of Trustees support Piringa through their expertise and experience working in the communities we serve.

koeke korowai

Our Advisory Group support us through sharing their experience of the health sector and their deep understanding of Te Arawa kawa and tikanga.


Working to honour the mana in everyone & everything by celebrating the two-way transformation of Whānau and Staff to master our dual-competency kaupapa.

what others say about us

“I’m pretty grateful to be at Karldon because I have found myself again”

“I’m fully grateful to be under Karldon Trust giving me a flat to live in. Thank you”

“Keep good communication with respect, fair treatment, dignity & independence, proper standards, information, it’s your decision, support, teaching & research & complaints. Keeping well with whānau and staff. As a Māori mental health consumer for 30 years being a whaiora/client”