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Mō mātau: about us

Aroha · Manākitanga · Kotahitanga

He korero mo Piringa : Our History

Karldon Trust Incorporated, now Piringa, was established by two psychiatric nurses Karel Hartemink and Donna Riley who opened Karldon House in September 1989 to provide accommodation and rehabilitation for people recovering from mental illness. ‘Karldon’ acknowledges their names.  

Under the 2006 Lakes DHB service agreements, the number of our residential beds was reduced with the introduction of a home-based support service contract creating an opportunity for Piringa to diversify our service delivery strategy.

Piringa now operates at Malfroy Road and we continue to support clients with moderate to mild mental illness. Our mahi today is intentionally kaupapa with a view to improving outcomes collaboratively with whānau in our care. 

We operate with a view to the future, a future which encourages hope, self-reliance, community integration and promotes mental health awareness.

Piringa Whānau
Tenei mātau


A six-bedroom shared residential whare, where wahine can work toward recovery or temporary respite

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Te Huarahi katoa - All the way!

Te Tiriti o Waitangi: celebrated in our new Framework and Wellbeing model coined by one of the Whānau

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Tō tātau hītori

Rotorua's longest serving MH&A Residential Service, we began as Karldon in 1989

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Piringa are a proud part of the Poutiri Wellness Network

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what others say about us

“I’m pretty grateful to be at Karldon because I have found myself again”

“I’m fully grateful to be under Karldon Trust giving me a flat to live in. Thank you”

“Keep good communication with respect, fair treatment, dignity & independence, proper standards, information, it’s your decision, support, teaching & research & complaints. Keeping well with whānau and staff. As a Māori mental health consumer for 30 years being a whaiora/client”