Kia ora and welcome to Piringa! We’ve been doing mahi in mental health and addiction residential for 34 years, we’re Rotorua’s first to embrace kaupapa Māori in this space and our service supports 18 to 65 year old whānau to navigate wellbeing and recovery challenges. So give us a call, pop in for a cuppa or follow us on Facebook. Kia pai tō rā!
For more kōrero about Our Team click here and for further kōrero about our services and where to get help, please contact us. Our referrals come via: NASC/ Link People Housing Team.
Honouring the mana in everyone & everything
Honouring the two-way transformation of mana
Honouring the strengths and expertise of the Whānau
A nationally recognised Training & Education program. Critical literacy, numeracy, & creativity. Podcasts. Marae engagement. Whakapapa haerenga.
Supporting whānau to be independent, capable, self-managing, resourceful, connected and content
Short-term Whānau respite in a safe and supportive whare
Exploring the healing wisdoms of Te Reo Māori in the hauora space
Job-seeker support. Workforce support. Accessing social services support.
Whānau who work together, grow together. A collaborative leadership & design program
Level 6 Diploma and ongoing In-service Training
Improved access to services and freedom from discrimination and stigma